It doesn’t matter which color or type of horse you ride (or what other animal you’ve coaxed to be your mount) your speed solely depends on the riding skills you upgraded throughout the game. As a result, all mounts got the same statistics across the board. While some previous game versions utilized different horses to provide separate bonuses, “Update 6” in 2015 streamlined much of the system. As a rule of thumb, you want to upgrade the horse’s speed as soon as possible, so keep an eye on that timer.

If you press “C” (on PC), you can hover over the hourglass in the “Riding Skill” section to view how long you need to wait until the next upgrade. Whenever you upgrade a horse skill, you need to wait 20 hours until you can do it again. Upgrades are performed by talking to a stable master in any stable and selecting the appropriate choice.

Since you can’t fight on the horse anyway, you can level this one up last. This stat only comes into effect during fights since you’ll immediately dismount when taking damage on an exhausted horse. Lastly, Stamina is relatively self-explanatory. You can do that by going to any stables (they have a horse icon on the map) and interacting with the stable master inside. If you don’t see any mounts available, you’ll need to buy a horse first.

Select the collections tab (if you’ve used “U” on PC, you’re already there).Open the game menu (PC: “U” or “Alt,” PS4: “Options,” Xbox: “Menu”).If you’ve obtained a mount (typically by playing through some quests or using the game store), you’ll need to equip that mount to your character: How to Equip a Mount in Elder Scrolls Online If you want to get a slight speed boost when dismounting, you can start sprinting when on the horse, jump up, then crouch and uncrouch before hitting the ground, which increases your momentum until you get back to normal speed. Alternatively, since the “View” isn’t always on hand, you can just block to get off the horse quicker since most players keep their finger close to the blocking keybind out of habit already.